About the rebooted Original SBTB class version...
We already know that the rebooted original SBTB class version situation was hurriedly and insistingly brought up because of this reason:
"The meanness of the unauthorized SBTB story movie that occurred" by that Behind The Bell book.
Although, some of the info in that book are not all lies at all and the entire info of that book should not badly affect on both former SBTB actresses Tiffani Amber Neilsen and Elizabeth Berkley, either.
So, since both Tiffani and Elizabeth did not appear in all original SBTB class episodes as their other former SBTB cast mates did, Tiffani and Elizabeth never suffered a single real-life divorce in their entire historical lifetimes. The bottom line would result that this rebooted original SBTB class version would also never endanger both Tiffani's and Elizabeth's real life at all, continuously.