MovieChat Forums > Peter Berg Discussion > He is considering suing Michael Bay!!

He is considering suing Michael Bay!!

He claims Michael Bay has stolen his directing technique!! Anyone else heard of this?


If anything Peter Berg is the thinking man's Michael Bay.


haha thinking man, i know after I sit down and watch battleship I feel as inspired as much as if I had just watched 2001 a space odyssey. Please this guy sucks, he's making millions off his phony "MURICA" act. He's like the "Tradegy" guy now in hollywood, Gee I'm so surprised to see his name attached to The boston bombing movie, sure stepping out of the box with that one.... Give me a break





Care to provide a source to your claim?

Because last time i checked, Bay was already an established filmmaker by the time Berg had his big break as a director.



They have similar style of directing, with fast cuts and all, but they're not the same. Berg created his own recognizable style of directing, like John Carpenter did, for example.

You could watch a movie for a couple of minutes and instantly see/recognize that it's a Peter Berg movie.

Peter Berg's directing style is better than Bay's, and his movies are much better in storytelling and entertainment value.


Around then Battleship came out it was clear that Michael Bay was looking up to Peter Berg in regards to style, editing and photography. I would even go as far as to state Michael Bay is a copycat. If you look at Bad Boys 2, Transformers, Benghazi and the Island all films are clearly inspired by Peter Bergs work.


I like Michel Bay and I like most of his films. But I can see clearly Peter Bergs influence on Bays work.


Must be the other way around!
