MovieChat Forums > Robby Benson Discussion > Beauty and the Beast voice

Beauty and the Beast voice

So I saw this guy in the film Jeremy, and was quite surprised to hear that he was the same guy who does the voice of Beast, considering how in Jeremy, he had a very geeky type voice. I know he does the voice of Beast in th efilme...but does he also do the singing for Beast, AND the voice of the prince when hes changed back into a human?????


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Yeah as the beast they blended his voice with the growls and roars of panthers lol (sounds kinda poetic) but true! His real voice is what you hear after the transformation. But with or without all the animal noise....he is still surprisingly terrifying haha


he had a very geeky type voice.

Oh my gosh, I love Robby Benson's voice! He has the most soothing, soft-spoken voice in the world. I could fall asleep to it. I think they should record him reading bedtime stories because, hoo boy, listening to him read a clam to sleep in KQIV could do the same for me.

'Scuse me, but I've just been turned into a cow...can I go home?


He was also JT Marsh on Exosquad. Great show.
