Jack Benny: Jack Benny. Actor: To Be or Not to Be. The son of a saloon keeper, Jack Benny (born Benny Kubelsky) began to study the violin at the age six, and his "ineptness" at it, would later become his trademark (in reality, he was a very accomplished player). When given the opportunity to play in live theatre professionally, Benny quit school and joined vaudeville. In the same theatre that Benny was...
Known For:
To Be or Not to Be (Joseph Tura),
The Jack Benny Program (Jack BennyBenny the LouseDistrict AttorneyZeke BennyAlexander HamiltonAlfalfaBruce FinkBuckCharles ManninghamCharleston T. GundelfingerDet. Lt. BennyDr. BennyGaylord BennyGeneral Sneed #2Jack's FatherJonathan W. GoodheartJose ZecoKoko the Lord High ExecutionerLem SkinnerPaul ReverePrincipal BennyRalph KramdenSmeatonStephen FosterTarzanTex MorganThe Cactus KidThe FiddlerThe Old Year),
Man About Town (Bob Temple),
Charley's Aunt (Babbs Babberley)