MovieChat Forums > Monica Bellucci Discussion > Monica or Mila Kunis?

Monica or Mila Kunis?

Mila Kunis was dubbed The Most Beautiful Woman of the World in 2012. How does her beauty compare to Monica's?

Any thoughts?


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It doesn' all.

+++by His wounds we are healed. - Isaiah 53:5+++


Monica is older, mature, and more sophisticated. They are both equally beautiful but have share different qualities. Mila is younger and her perky personality makes her a little less elegant but she's got an edgy style.


That is complete B.S.!!

You want to play the game, you'd better know the rules, love.
-Harry Callahan


That skinny little runt is no match for Monica.


Monica is skinnier than Mila.

I don't care for either but Mila has a much more interesting face, but Monica looks a little better without makeup. I don't care for either's bodies. I agree with Betta, except toned and healthy is even more important to me.

Anything Depp can do, Crispin Glover does better.


both are gorgeous but Monica stands out more thanks to her height and Curves.

Mila is very sexy and i like her pesronality but if saw them with their best looks on the street i would notice Monica First.



It doesn't.
