MovieChat Forums > Monica Bellucci Discussion > Monica is beautiful but she is also a te...

Monica is beautiful but she is also a terrible actress

Yeah, she is gorgeous but...
You maybe can't realize it because I guess she is dubbed outside Italy but the general consesus is that she is mediocre to say the least, as an actress.

That's probably why she doesn't get so many roles.

I will never forget watching Matrix Reloaded (not that great, BTW) in a full theatre: as soon as she started talking, her very first line in the movie, the whole crowd started to laugh histerically so unconvincing she was.
I've never seen such a reaction my whole life, really.


She is fluent in so many languages that's why she gets so many different roles.

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Uh? Here many are complaining about the exact opposite: not getting enough roles and always the same, limited ones (sexually abused woman, half naked beauty, prostitute and so on).

That's because she can't act, sadly.

BTW, She may *speak* a good french for a foreigner - she has lived in France for so many years - or a half decent english but she is unable to *act* even in her native language. That's HOW bad she is.


You're entitled to your opinion, but I think that she is a fantastic actress. She may not be the best, but she gave very good performances in all the films I've seen her in.


Great actress in my opinion. This might make me seem weird since I'm 21 years younger than her but I find her INCREDIBLY attractive. Her body is beyond sexy and her face beautiful, and the crazy part is she seems to have just improved with age.


I agree with the OP. In my opinion, she is the most beautiful woman on television and movies right now, but it is a fact that she is not a very good actress. She is not a terrible actress, she is just... I dont know how to explain it. it seems as if she does not feel confortable around camaras, she always seems very stiff, like she is posing at the same time she is speaking.


I think in some of her English speaking roles she does pose while speaking, but in her French and Italian roles she is very animated and gives better performances.


i love watching her in italian movies, she becomes a fish in the sea.


TBH I've tried to pay attention to her acting, but I can never get past being memorized by her beauty.
