MovieChat Forums > Michael Bay Discussion > Why Does Michael Bay still get jobs?!!?!...

Why Does Michael Bay still get jobs?!!?!?

Really, why is this guy still employeed in Hollywood? he sucks as a director/producer. He has no clue on how to make a good movie.


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Well for starters, Bay is an accomplished and competent director. He may have a frenzied approach, but he understands his audience and has crafted rather well made and entertaining productions; The Rock, Transformers (2007), Pain & Gain, Armageddon, The Island, and the Bad Boys movies -all ranging from moderate to highly financially successful and well received by the majority of audiences (critics may not be AS enthusiastic but that doesn't matter as far as he's concerned). As long as he continues to be successful in his career, studios will continue to hire him and he'll continue working in Hollywood for years to come.

Does that answer your question?


Because his movies make money.
That is the only reason.


Transformers is BILLION dollar franchise why would he not get jobs.


Could they not hire anyone off the street and probably get at LEAST an equal result, and save themselves millions of dollars? Most of the people who like these new action movies have a bit of a neutral zone around their heads anyway, not like they will even notice or care who the director is. They are too busy texting during the opening credits most likely.

If anything, I suppose his fans go in because they need the numbing 90 minutes of wall-to-wall noise, and his haters will watch them eventually to see just how soulless and empty Hollywood can be (just when you thought they had reached the lowest point, they pull a rabbit outta the hat again.)


Saliva Soup, you have described the current movie going audiences to a "T" they are mindless zombies sucked in by their own stupidity and the Hollywood machine keeps pumping out their mind numbing Kool Aide


Could they not hire anyone off the street and probably get at LEAST an equal result

No, it's not that simple. The average person would probably have constant anxiety attacks if put in Bay's shoes given his work load and the events and people he's supposed to be in charge of. Despite how simple his style might appear to be, it's not that easy to replicate, take Battleship by Peter Berg for example, he's normally a better director than Bay, yet even he failed to achieve the 180 degree circular shot that Bay is known for in said movie.


Nailed it!
