to Mr. Voight!

To Mr. Voight and others who think the same. He described Javier Bardem and his wife “ignorant”, with a title he belongs to. Normally I am a smooth guy but I can not be silent in a situation like this. He does injustice and instead of apologizing he calls someone “ignorant” who feels humanly on what goes on Gaza. That is the ignorance itself. I have lost faith in Hollywood actors and movies. What happened to your movies that you would risk everything for a child’s life. Was that all lie or just for money? Was that all for Jews and people that think like you? Do you only care about some certain kids, civilians? Is innocence belongs to certain children, women, civilians? Is it ethnic? Everyone can think whatever he likes but how he can arrogantly try to stop people who fell humanly? Are you being paid off Mr. Voight? Not everyone is sold as you. On the contrary Mr. Voight talks as Israel is under a huge persecution by Palestinians and they need every support they can have. And they call what Zionists do self defense. OMG!! That must be a joke. How can they describe killing 4 children playing on the beach self defense? Isn’t there any human left to tell the truth? What makes us human? Walking on two legs? Haven’t they read reports? 90% of victims of Palestinians are civilians while Israelis 90% soldiers. And don’t even start with anti-semitism. I know it. Everyone knows that Arabs are Semites. You can’t hide behind it. Zionists make every little incident as an opportunity to raise the hell in Gaza. And Im sure they set up three jews kidnapped and murdered to start this recless war. Even some Jews disgust that? Kudos Mr. Bardem! You did right, when all support Zionists. I guess Hispanic-Latin people is more humanistic. These times, being with the wrong side is easy. You have all support, money, media is with you. If someone writes the truth or tells he is condemned. And mr voight when Zionists are done with Muslim World, they will continue with Christian World. You know what they have done in Palestine. But this is not over and since you are that much arrogant, i feel rightful to behave a little arrogant as to say; you shall see who will prevail in the end. For now let’s watch this freak show like watching theatre.
Zionists empire of fear and money is so visible now even a nation like Germany is silent for its losses. Merkel said nothing about the German family that is bombed by Israel. Celebrities deleting their posts about Gaza (most of them forced to do obviously). Media, news, papers, countries of UN (as we know israel bombed a UN school with palestinians in it) all of em supporting Israel.. even Arab leaders.. and they call every muslim “terrorist” who has a gun in hand when they use biological weapons, chemicals.. No need to tell more. It is obvious for normal brains to get it..


Check this.. a few weeks ago same thing happened to a German family.
