Anti Semetic scum

This piece of garbage comes out against Israel. He's got nothing to say about what Russia is doing by trying to take over other countries, Syria killing thousands of their own people, Muslims killing Christians, atrocities in North Korea, etc. No, just Israel defending itself. The world hates Jews.


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He is against the Israel policies. That doesnt mean he is Anti-"Semetic" and hate the jews. Thosse are two different things. This Israel vs. Palestine is getting freaking ridicoules.

Lakin-ite member since... well, today...
I'm Jon, and Jon is me. Together, we're one!


Nonsense jenoor! Where are his comments about Muslims killing Christians? No need to comment on that. Where are his comments about Asaad killing his own people? Crickets. Putin? Just let him keep on invading and killing people across Europe. Good old Javier keeps his mouth shut. But let Israel defend themselves and he opens his mouth. Pure anti-semitism at it's jew hating finest.

So you tell me why he doesn't comment on those issues.


Dont know why isent comment on those issues. But, being against Israel's war policy is NO WAY racist or anti-jewish.

I was against the USA's insertion into Iraq and its policy in that country. Does that make me anti-American? Does that make me "hating the US population"?

Lakin-ite member since... well, today...
I'm Jon, and Jon is me. Together, we're one!


The whole world hates Jews. You see protests going on against Israel all over the place and silence about these other issues. Bardem takes a proactive step to write a letter against Israel defending themselves and you're going to tell me it's not motivated by anti-semitism? You're fooling yourself.

Why don't you offer an alternate opinion about why he comments on this and not those other situations? Go ahead.


"Why don't you offer an alternate opinion about why he comments on this and not those other situations? Go ahead."

Because right now Israel fires its missiles into populated areas, into civilians. The world reacts to such things. The world do condamn if a Hamas hits Israel population, why shouldnt we react the same if vise versa? Maybe he is more familiar with the situation down in the middle-east than he is with the other... "things" (language barrier). Hell if i know. It doesnt make him any racist or anti-jew just because he comment on this one thing. There has been NOTHING in all this that prove he is anti-semitic.

"The whole world hates Jews."

I dont hate the Jews, and i doubt i'm alone on that.

Lakin-ite member since... well, today...
I'm Jon, and Jon is me. Together, we're one!


If he's more familiar with the situation in the middle east, as you offer, maybe he can find time to comment on Assad killing 160,000 of his own people? Nah. Just pick on the Jews. Ignore the Palestinians charter that says Israel doesn't have the right to exist. Ignore them using women and children as human shields. Ignore them storing weapons in hospitals and schools.


In their own ways, Israel is just as BAD as Hamas. But, thats just my humble oppinion.

Lakin-ite member since... well, today...
I'm Jon, and Jon is me. Together, we're one!
