MovieChat Forums > Javier Bardem Discussion > Jeffrey Dean Morgan

Jeffrey Dean Morgan

During the trailer of the gunman I couldn't tell who it was and I realized he looks a lot like Jeffrey Dean Morgan.


I thought the same thing too.


I always thought both actors looked very similar.

If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now.-Loki (Marvel's Avengers)


Watching the gunman right now and saw his first scene and though wow, JDM is in this. Then went came here and saw it was Bardem.


Just I was watching "Extant " and I was convinced Barden is it in but no . I was wrong! Jaffrey Dea Morgan he is in Extant.Wow - they look like so similar. They could acting in same movie as twins. :)


Jeffery does not have the rich deep voice that Javier has, nor the latin intensity as well. and, of course, Bardem is the best actor of our age & surpasses everyone in the artistic talent dept not just his look-alike. . Must admit I've been ravenous for Javier since I first saw him win his Oscar. i was floored. Jeffrey Dean Morgan never got a second glace from me. I had to look him up.


Best actor of our generation, huh? I have to disagree there. He is awesome, but if you've never recognized a similarity between him and JDM then you just don't have very good eyes. You can paint it whatever way you want, but in the end you would be in a considerable minority. Biggest differentiator is voice, especially if you consider them in beards. Love him as an actor, but don't see bin as best of any Gevalia and certainly struggle to believe ANYONE doesn't see a striking similarity between him and JDM.
