MovieChat Forums > Alexis Arquette Discussion > How is a death from AIDS "quick and pain...

How is a death from AIDS "quick and painless", as the family is stating?


Room for one more, honey.


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She was probably very weak and faded with the help of morphine like when people have other fatal afflictions. Once the vital organs start failing it's very fast. I can't believe there are still people dying from this plague. I remember vividly when you read about several renowned people passing a month so hopefully in a few more years it will eradicated and part of our dark sad history. The 20th anniversary of the cocktail just passed but it's not a miracle cure although saved many from the brink of death. It's such a shame they couldn't do a bone marrow transplant to save her, it's very experimental and they have to find an exact donor match. I'm sure her loving family and friends tried ever avenue but not everyone takes to the treatments the same.


How is it that Magic Johnson has been w/o symptoms for 20+ years? Does he have access to better meds?


Well, as South Park said a few years ago, there is a cure for AIDS, and that is large amounts of cash.


It's the same meds (the game changing cocktail) but not everyone reacts equally to the treatment. It's the same with chemo, some bodies accept the treatment and go into remission others reject and don't make it, it's not an exact science. This medical fact that applies to every single affliction, some will thrive from treatment while others will be unresponsive despite the best efforts. The upside is the cocktail is working for the masses bringing back many from near death and a successful cure has worked at least once from injecting the bone marrow from the stem cells of a virus resistant donor. There is no magic pill, no foolproof treatment, they try everything and hope for the best. This was a death sentence before 1996 thanks to the help from this afflicted forcing big Phama and the FDA to find a humane treatment. Watch Surviving the Plague, amazing story of how ordinary citizens took on the medical system to save their lives.


Just want to add the strain of the virus contracted matters. I always believed Magic contracted a milder strain of the virus. It's still bad but he responded well to treatment and was in fantastic physical condition went infected, everything is relevant. There are people who harbor the resistant gene, descendants of the Black Death hundreds of years ago, that is the key to a cure so everyone who believes they might be eligible should become a marrow donor should apply. The number one cause of death in the US between 25-44 in 1995 was AIDS, that the largest unnatural death of young people since WWII. If it were not for the cocktail who knows how much worse it could have been.


The reason comes down to the strain and also your overall health. The reason why so many died during the early years is cause at that time it was the height of the sexual revolution and drugs. If you're promiscuious along with being a heavy user of drugs, alcohol and are just not healthy your going to be more likely to die from it cause your system is just compromised like a normal person.
