MovieChat Forums > Asia Argento Discussion > Did that boy give the hush money back?

Did that boy give the hush money back?

He let the story get out and now he's talking about it, he totally failed to do the job he was paid to do. He should give the money back.


Didn't Stormy Daniels do the same thing. I hate when people can't stick to their word! I am going to be careful with my hush money from now on.


One can only take so much! At least AA's hush money is a tax write off since it was for the charitable cause of helping Jimmy Bennett.
Remember that when you're planning your Hush Money fund with your finances guy. He'll know. Any time someone tries to extort money out of you wielding wild, untrue stories and polaroids, make a charitable donation to them from the bottom of your bleeding heart and then write it off.


OH! And make sure you save duplicate copies of your shakedown letters. I learned that one the hard way in 97 when my AOL account got hacked and I lost all of mine from the 96 Hush Money File.

IRS still let me write off the entire Hush Money kitty, but I had to jump through hoops. Big PITA.


