MovieChat Forums > Christina Applegate Discussion > Having worked with her twice...

Having worked with her twice...

I was just on an industry=related board discussing developments with "Up All Night" and one commentor popped by with a personal criticism of Applegate, the first seen in a large number of posts. It was funny to see how many jumped very quickly to correct the critic and point out a huge factual mistake in the post. See, among those who have worked with her, Christina Applegate is ADORED. Good project or bad, TV or feature, anyone who goes to "work" and spends time with Christina Applegate is going to be a little sorry to have to go home at the end of the day.

On a dumb whim, I thought I'd run over here and post what I had to say about her there, so more could see it and know.

I've worked with her at length on two projects and she remains tied for first place in my all-times favorites to work with. In my 30 plus years, only one other performer has ever matched Applegate's well-deserved reputation for utmost professionalism mixed with really astounding kindness and respect for every last person on the set or in the room. Whether it's the 6 week intern, or a day-player, or a co-star, or the EP, the assistant to the 3rd AD - it doesn't matter - she ALWAYS introduces herself, and never leaves it to anyone to introduce themselves on the first day. She offers to fetch a cup of coffee, she asks opinions, she finds something to compliment, and she chats about the day. I don't know how she does it, but think about your favorite person on their best day, and Christina is that - every day. She's not gregarious, or pushy - and NEVER obnoxious. She somehow MAKES people want to be their best around her, and I've seen her turn whole sets around on VERY bad days, just by showing some respect to someone who wasn't getting any.

I've hated some of her projects ("Sweetest Thing" for example.) But she's always behaving the way I wish I had the patience and consideration and sensitivity to pull off.

For anyone who cares to know, Christina Applegate is good people.


That's awesome, she seems like she would be really nice, hope she is able to keep working and gets good projects. Excited to see her in "Vacation"!


Good people? Isn't that plural? I think you meant to say she's a good person.


It's a colloquialism.


Who is the person she is tied with for first place? She has always come across as a nice person to me,too.


Thanks for sharing. I've been a fan of her for a long time and i've always thought she is amazingly talented and a good person above all else.


I suspected as much.

What a refreshingly lovely post to find.


I love when people from the industry sharing their experience with us. Another example of why IMDb should be ashamed of themselves.

I seen her in the documentary I Am Chris Farley and you immediately recognize that she is a nice and sweet person.


By every account, she is a sweet and nice person. The thing that sticks in my craw though is that she cheated on her husband.

Girls who cheat ain't so sweet..




The same with guys being morons when they cheat, but maybe there are reasons either way. That is cool she is a nice person in RL.


Totally agree except for the "reasons". I have zero use for cheaters which is odd considering that I've never been cheated on, but my most vociferous ire is directed towards those with kids. My brother in law cheated with some skank then left my wife's sister at home with two young girls under age 6 to be with the one he cheated with. He wasn't "happy".. Children get but one change to have a wonderful childhood with two loving parents. Some by circumstance get cheated out of that, others get cheated out of that because one of the parents cheats.

There is no reason to cheat. If a spouse is abusive, then by all means divorce him/her. An abusive household is worse than a single parent one. But many just cheat because they're thinking between their legs.

May they all suffer...
