what happened?

Don't get me wrong, she's still beautiful. But she doesn't even look like the same person as her Twin Peaks days. She didn't age in a way that seems natural.


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see, and I think she did. I think it's just the difference between being 22 and 40. She's quite attractive.


I saw Sleepwalkers back in the 90s, and was shocked to see how much she aged. But that's biology, it sucks.


You were shocked to see how much someone aged in 20 years? What planet are you from? How did YOU look 20 years ago?


Ugh. Seriously. The stupidity when it comes to how women age is just insane.


She's extremely attractive, regardless of her age. But I agree with the OP on this one...she doesn't look like the same person. Not an older version of her Twin Peaks self, and not an obvious plastic surgery addict, but just ... totally different. I think she must have had some plastic surgery not because she looks fake, but just because I can' think of another explanation. Maybe it's a Jennifer Grey nosejob type situation.

If she's just an example of the natural aging process, then I am STOKED to be turning 30 soon.

"What do you call that hairstyle you're wearing?" "Arthur."


I think she looks fantastic, at least on White Collar she did.
