MovieChat Forums > Casey Affleck Discussion > A poll of who thinks he's a good actor.

A poll of who thinks he's a good actor.

I think he's awful especially in the Killer Inside Me which was awful but his voice and acting made it worse. One of the most over-rated actors in Hollywood.


I think he's an exceptional actor, he can express so much by subtle movements and twitches of his facial expression and demeanour. His acting in Assassination of jesse james was some of the best I've ever seen. The whole cast did an amazing job. You could watch that movie on mute and know exactly what they were feeling.


I've only seen him in the Assassination of Jesse James, and I thought he did a pretty good job.


I first noticed him in Good Will Hunting and I think he did an amazing job there considering it was quite a small part. Since then he has really grown on me. Fascinating style.


I've thought he was very good in pretty much every role I've seen him in, but particularly so in "The Killer Inside Me" and "The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford".

He was absolutely chilling as Lou Ford and I think it's his best role to date. You could see the madness growing inside him as he lost control of both himself and his plans.

The first film I saw him in was "To Die For" acting alongside Joaquin Phoenix. Phoenix took the acting honours there, but I think Casey has improved out of all recognition since then. The only thing I'm not very keen on is his rather high-pitched speaking voice.


I have been reading this board and enjoying all the reason why people can't stand little old Casey Affleck and they all turn out to be the very same reasons why I actually like the guy. He's different. Unusual. I like watching his brother too. They're both creepy and strange like cold mean dogs or something.. Casey's especially odd. I like that.


After seeing him in Lonesome Jim I thought he was good, after Gone Baby Gone I thought what an excellent actor. Having just watched ..Jesse James...I now think he really is a brilliant actor. Such an expressive face. Can't wait to catch up on all his other work except the Oceans films which I find very boring!


I agree with everything the OP said and I'd like to add Gone Baby Gone to the list of horrible performances.


he's a brilliant actor. the assassination of jesse james, gone baby gone and the killer inside me were all exceptional performances. I'd like someone to come up with a reason why they don't like him other than his voice. it's not really his fault. in life, people do have weird voices. nick nolte and jodie foster have crazy voices but they're still widely acclaimed. he can't act isnt a reason because he can

"It's the Law"
"Then the Laws Crazy!"
