never again

I will NEVER again watch this old dried up, has-been in a movie. What a megalomaniac thinking that HER opinion matters to the Judicial System! They should put her in jail for trying to free an admitted child rapist, pedophile! Is she trying to set victim's rights and womens rights back by decades???



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She definitely put her foot in her mouth.


I agree she really made herself look bad being on the forefront in support of Polanski.


So much for modern feminists like Winger.


you know what they can not legally charge polanski with rape since rape has a statue of limitation on it which is 7 years he commited to crim what 30 plus years ago infact the only thing they can charge him for is jumping ship and avoiding the police


Polanski was already charged and convicted. He is in trouble for skipping out on his sentence. Get your facts straight.


I think you'll find that, if an accused flees and removes himself from the reach of the jurisdiction in which he's charged, the limitations period is tolled and does not expire.

Thus, even if Polanski had not already been convicted, the statute of limitations would not likely help him.


I think it's statue of limitations.

I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man with no sole. ~ Ancient Disco Proverb
