MovieChat Forums > Billy Wilder Discussion > πŸŽ₯πŸ“½πŸŽ¬ Your Top 5 Billy Wilder Films

πŸŽ₯πŸ“½πŸŽ¬ Your Top 5 Billy Wilder Films

Mine would be:

1 Sunset Blvd.
2 Double Indemnity
3 Some Like It Hot
4 Stalag 17
5 Sabina


The Apartment
Sunset Blvd
Double Indemnity
The Seven Year Itch
One, Two, Three

But I haven't seen Some Like It Hot yet (one of my biggest holes in my film-viewing experiences), so that could easily bump One, Two, Three.

That said, I feel like One, Two, Three doesn't get enough credit for being as genius as it is and should be better recognised.


There’s a few I haven’t seen either, something I'll have to rectify too, Some Like it Hot is a classic comedy but I prefer Film Noir so it sits at number 3 for me.


I love noir. But my favourite noirs just don't happen to be Sunset Blvd and Double Indemnity. Maltese Falcon and Big Sleep - Bogey all the way.


πŸ‘ Agreed my fave actor of all time!


Some Like It Hot
Double Indemnity
Sunset Blvd
Ace in the Hole
The Apartment


1. Double Indemnity
2. Sunset Blvd.
3. Witness for the Prosecution
4. Ace in the Hole
5. The Lost Weekend


Sunset Blvd.
Witness for the Prosecution
Double Indemnity
The Apartment
Ace in the Hole
