MovieChat Forums > Paul Verhoeven Discussion > His effects over CGI any day!!!

His effects over CGI any day!!!

I'd take Paul's Special effects all day over CGI rubbish these days...


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Starship troopers has the best effects in the history of cinema. Still beats movies made 17 years later.


hell yea, hes one of the best when it comes to the most disturbing gratuitous violence ever. i mean look at murphys death in robocop, pretty much all of starship troopers, the stabbing in the begging of basic instinct, and the first part in total recall when his helmet cracks and he suffocates from no oxygen on mars. those scenes have all stuck out in my head since the first time i saw them and i dont think ill ever be able to get those images out of my head haha.


Verhoeven rules


Amen, I'm feeling like an old man saying it but he's from the good old days of original ideas for movies. Remakes of Verhoeven movies are heresy as far as I'm concerned in this day and age of recycling old franchises, jazzing them up with catalogue model kids in the main roles and centering the plot on who sleeping with who.
