Most erotic director I can think of...
"Turkish Delight", "Spetters", "The 4th Man" and parts of "Soldier of Orange", PV was an extremely sensual director. I loved his earlier movies.
share"Turkish Delight", "Spetters", "The 4th Man" and parts of "Soldier of Orange", PV was an extremely sensual director. I loved his earlier movies.
shareYes, he appears to be a very uninhibited person and I think the same could be said for Rutger Hauer, and that is why they made a good team up in the 70's. It was all as natural as day.
Exorcist: Christ's power compels you. Cast out, unclean spirit.
"Uninhibited", lord yes...
shareWhat about Pasolini Mr. H? Isn't SALO erotic? π
Exorcist: Christ's power compels you. Cast out, unclean spirit.
I have a friend who actually likes "Salo". He usually has such interesting tastes in movies, but not here I don't think. I've seen three Pasolini films (not that many) and the only one I liked was Accatone. Salo is totally anti-erotic. What a bad movie.
shareSALO is the anti-thesis of erotic. I don't think it is a bad movie in terms of direction, it is just a cold, ugly, unappealing, repulsive and even pointless exercise in shock value. I think Pasolini made it to appease his own perversions, masked as pretentious art and a hollow political statement.
Exorcist: Christ's power compels you. Cast out, unclean spirit.