Paul Verhoeven is a transgressive master filmmaker !
Paul Verhoeven never got the credit he truly deserves,
but with every failed remake/sequel of his unique Hollywood films
it becomes more apparent, what a difference a great director makes!
It becomes undeniable that he is a true auteur.
What made Paul Verhoeven so different from the rest of the bunch?
-His liberal sexual morals
-His ironic, acid, cool worldview
-His honesty, which is easily mistaken as misanthropy
-His naturalistic & materialistic representations of the human body
-His surrealist drive for provocation, nearly unique in the realm of the blockbuster cinema
-His great talent in using CGI / FX as an organic storytelling device
He is a unique mix of characteristics that can't be remade.
Even Paul Verhoevens less successful Hollywood films like "Showgirls" (the script & actors didn't get the satire quite right) or "Hollow Man" (a very good SiFi-Thriller with some 3rd act script weaknesses)are far superior to most films produced today:
You will find even in his lesser movies always unique moments, daring direction and great scenes worthy of a master.
His truly great films ("Black Book", "Robocop", "Total Recall", "Starship Troopers", "Turkish Delight") are genuine masterpieces that did stand the test of time.
I would love Paul Verhoeven to direct his "Jesus of Nazareth" or "Crusade" or another R-rated blockbuster or a Dutch movie, because I really miss his style !