MovieChat Forums > Marisa Tomei Discussion > Marisa Tomei will play aunt May in the n...

Has to be a *beep* joke. Hollywood's sexism is out of control. They cast a young looking middle age actress to play an old woman.

Trist on


Tomei is 50. If she's an aunt, she should be close to Peter's parent's age. Remember that Peter is 16 in this movie.


She was probably a "Great Aunt" but Peter just called her "Aunt May". Marisa Tomei even at 50 is ridiculously young looking unless they plan to tie her hair back, dress her dowdily and give her granny glasses.


In the Ultimate Comics(Yes I know how much those are hated) Aunt May looks about 60ish and in the Ultimate SPider-man cartoon she looks a tad bit younger than that as oppose to the 616 Universe were she looks about 80

You want tah fack wit me? You ah fACKING choiah boi compahed tu me ah choiah boi


At first i was thought she was way to young to play aunt may
but then i guess peter parker is 16 so the age is about right.
i just hope its a good script


Even IF she's 50 she looks like she's in her 30s. Hardly a wizened matronly figure which Aunt May always is. Then there's the fact it's still a damn insult you have to stretch the ages' believably to sort of be OK. You cast someone with a grandmotherly age for a grandmotherly role. Old actresses get screwed again. This is indefensible.

Trist on


Still looks too young to play Ultimate Aunt May. I'd prefer if she played Mary Parker, Pete's mom, unless she dyes some of her hair gray.


No, whatever it is, aunt may has always been depicted as old looking and marisa is nowhere close to old looking
