MovieChat Forums > Patrick Swayze Discussion > does his brother don seriously post here...

does his brother don seriously post here? Formspring me!


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If you believe this is true, I'd like to sell you an igloo in Alaska:)


I spent four months on the Patrick Swayze board. This was when he was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. I couldn't type and linked songs. I practiced typing and can type now. What I was trying to say was that my late mom had a friend with Pacreatic Cancer who survived. That is a rare thing indeed. Patrick Swayze lived for almost two years after diagnosis and that was rare and inspiring. I enjoyed his show "The Beast" and appreciated the fact that he was very ill while filming it. I don't believe anything that was said to me here. I don't believe his brother "Don" would be on a chat board when his brother was fighting for his life. It was all a lie. My cousin who is a drummer for bands said that only psychopaths post here and I believe him. Unfortunately those same psychos are on facebook and other social networking sites under their real names. I have encountered them also. Pretty much anything goes on the internet. You say whatever you want and do whatever you want. You can inflict the worst kind of psychological torture and it is acceptable. I don't want any part of that anymore. I don't do that to people and I don't accept it from others. I will never offer hope and care to anyone on a social network site again. It is a lesson I will never forget. And to anyone here who does try to psychologically torture someone, get some help.


Then why is there a picture on the internet of DS holding a sign that says "IMDB" which was posted on this board, on the day he was pressed to prove his real identity?

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Reply 1: Re: does his brother don seriously post here?
MsLexy replied 9 months, 3 weeks ago
Patrick's brother Don Swayze did post on IMDb for a while...but Don hasn't been active since Dec 24 2008. Me and a few other posters had doubts about him being the real Don he posted a pic of himself holding a sign with IMDb and his user name on it...and the pic proved that it was really him. And Don also sent me a few PMs when his brother Patrick was going thru Kemo.


Good and Plenty, good thing it's Halloween tonight. You obviously are on a sugar high. I was told when I was here, I know, BIG MISTAKE, HUGE, that Don Swayze was new to the computer and that he was changing his IMDB account to say "helping my brother with cancer" OH MY GOD, I fell for it, as did you. Welcome to the world of "reality distortion field" that's what IMDB stands for. And for GOD'S SAKE, NEVER NEVER, say or link the song "Too much time on my hands" by Styx. You'll be sorry:)


Good and Plenty, I went by the name of Izzyhairs3 and guess what? I broke a record here. That's not a good thing. The good news is I have learned to type and was just in Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, Israel and YES Egypt. It's a slow progression. I am just bored at this particular second and decided to come back to this God forsaken place. It's where it all began..when they put the theme from "the outer limits". Things just haven't been the same:)
