MovieChat Forums > Meryl Streep Discussion > shameless trumpeters

shameless trumpeters

The bottomline is, the orange-hitler mocked a person in front of millions; NO ONE decent should/would defend this despicable act; but instead of holding the cheeto face accountable, trumpeters are attacking MS, who was doing her right as an American citizen to call out/criticize an elected official. Her celebrity status (isn't the president elect a D-lister??!!), nor her wealth (not nearly as rich as trumpet!), nor her proven and widely recognized talents do NOT matter...She is practicing her duty as should all of us instead of defending a deplorable act and person!


Exactamundo. Screw the orange dirtbag.


Meryl Streep is just one in a long line of delusional Hollywood hypocrites. This self righteous fool gave a standing ovation to a man who drugged and raped a 13 year old and then fled the country to avoid jail. Oh and she also repeatedly defended him and stated how sorry she felt for him. And your Trump comments are inaccurate check your facts.

Can I refill your eggnog,get u something to eat,drive u out 2 the middle of nowhere leave u 4 dead?


Meryl Streep is just one in a long line of delusional Hollywood hypocrites. Trump is way ahead of her in that line.


We are calling her out on a lie. What is the problem with that?


The bottomline is, the orange-hitlerYou are mocking tens of millions of people who were murdered by the real Hitler out of anger that you lost a freaking election.

You are a despicable human being to do this.


Hmm 2003 Meryl Streep gave a standing ovation to child rapist Roman Polanski. 2008 Obama made fun of his bowling and equated it to the special olympics. MS voted for Obama.

Looks like MS is just as deplorable.

((Damn the remakes, Save the originals.))


Do you know if any totally insecure kid that has an orange like complexion is reading your post right now? Is it really that far fetch? Do you even care what he or she might thinking? Man the hypocrisy is amazing. You liberals love to point fingers but you're the absolute worst.


But you're admitting they are IN the same line? Stupid Pee Wee Herman arguing
