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I`ve seen a picture of her once.Rebecca is very pretty but she does not look anything like either of her parents.While Ally and husband David have dark hair and dark eyes,Rebecca is blonde with big blue eyes.The kid is very pretty,she just doesn`t look like her parents.

"Screws fall out all the time,the world`s an imperfect place"--Bender from the Breakfast Club


It was in a 1999 issue of People magazine.It was called "The Brat Pack:Where they are now" I could scan the picture if you want.

"Screws fall out all the time,the world`s an imperfect place"--Bender from the Breakfast Club


I sure will.You might have to wait until tomorrow though because my scanner is acting funny.

"Screws fall out all the time,the world`s an imperfect place"--Bender from the Breakfast Club
