I thought Star Trek Beyond was an ok film. They could have done a lot more to commemorate Star Trek's 50th Anniversary than they did. Considering it was that big of an occasion, I thought the film was somewhat underwhelming.
Had Leonard Nimoy still been alive, I'm sure they would have given him something to do. But, again, since it was Trek's 50th, they could have found room for a scene for the other actors of the original series -- perhaps playing the parents of the new cast. I think that would have been fun and, certainly, a nice moment for the fans to reflect back on the show's origins.
I also thought marking the 50th Anniversary was the perfect opportunity to have Shatner on board, and all the reasons as to why they had trouble, narratively speaking, to bring the character back were, in my mind, just excuses. And lame ones, at that!
Mr. Shatner, if you read this, I know they have screenwriters currently working on a new Trek movie, but I, like a lot of fans out there, would love to see you return as Kirk, and I would welcome the chance to talk to you about how that could happen.
Further, to the filmmakers and producers of Trek, if you're wondering why Beyond performed underwhelmingly at the box office, perhaps you might need look no further than the fact that, for three films now, you have ignored the most valuable commodity Star Trek has -- the original Captain Kirk.
I agree with you, Europa, it's a travesty that all we get of Shatner's Kirk is a photo cameo...