Punchable face

He's good looking but he has an annoying, distinctive, punchable face.

That is all.


It's probably partly because he always plays bad guys that are very punchable indeed. Personally I think that especially when he's sad or smiling (minus his Sabretooth teeth, of course) he looks very sweet and innocent, but he's one of my favorite actors and I love how despicable he can look when he tries. It's the eyebrows.


It's the combination of pudgy cheeks, squinty eyes and douchebag haircut.


And no lips.


On the Dave Letterman show he said his face has Slavic fat-pads. That's what he called them. And said something along the line of hating them.

"What would you like to see on your honeymoon, Mrs. Cord?"
"Lots of lovely ceilings."
