MovieChat Forums > Denise Richards Discussion > Was she in Married with Children?

Was she in Married with Children?

I just saw the episode where Kelly goes to Hollywood because of her show, where she her brother and Al see a star of some show - some good looking dude - and that guy is talking to fans. One of the fans is Denise Richards, at least I'm quite sure, she's the one who finally goes away with the star.

Can anyone confirm? Just curious ; )


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Thanks ;)
Quick and efficient, just the way I like it.


Yes I can confirm.

Just look at the list of things she's been in and it's listed there.

Shocker, huh???

I seriously can't believe you asked that question on the Denise Richards page which lists everything she's been in.

I was walking down the skyway my way...


i remember when i was older , was like 9 years old i played myself on
Married with Children? episode. there was whole cast members christina applegate
and Ed O Neil i just then it hit me, it was great apperacein on Married with Children,


"i remember when i was older , was like 9 years old i played myself on
Married with Children? episode. there was whole cast members christina applegate
and Ed O Neil i just then it hit me, it was great apperacein on Married with Children,"

