met her once sort of
I think she is a great actress and a beautiful women but her politics are impossible to take seriously.
February 1981,mass unemployment in Britain,a real recession not like the one we are having now.
There were no jobs to be had in large parts of the country but especially outside the South East of England.
There was a huge unemployed demonstration (several hundred thousand people I think)in Glasgow,being unemployed and Scottish I took part in this.
My family and I marched behind a group of well dressed people carrying a WORKERS REVOLUNTIONARY PARTY banner.
The WRP were a Trotskyite group largely funded by Vanessa and her brother(CORIN,another great actor),they recruited a lot of actors.
The only person I recognised was VANESSA,I can't remember what she was wearing but she just looked beautiful,people kept looking at her.
Being actors they had obviously rehearsed chanting so for a couple of hours they chanted "REFORMISM IS NO SOLUTION-FORWARD TO THE REVOLUTION".
Her politics are her business but I guess she could have earned a lot more money if she had been a bit less vocal about her far left ideas,and she might have made more films for us to enjoy.
And I still want JULIA on dvd.