Ghostbusters 3?

Hi everyone. Does anyone know what happened to Ghostbusters 3, are there still plans to film it?


They were all set to film it but Bill Murray didn't want to do it


What is up with Murray, first he ungraciously shuns the oscars cos he didn't win one even though he was nominated for one. Now he refuses to do a Ghostbusters 3? Okay maybe he has some difficult issues that can't be explained for why he doesn't want to do it, but come on there is an entire legion of fans out there who have stuck with the franchise ever since the first movie, i should know being one myself. My point is if Murray did this movie not only would he stand to make a considerable amount of money from the movie and the merchandise, but he would also win back the respect and admiration of the fans who dislike him becasue of his composure during the oscars and his refusal to do GB3.

Murray owes part of his success to Ghostbusters, come on Bill give something back!


Do you know that they really had to convince Bill Murray to do Ghostbusters 2? Bill isn't into sequels. Despite the fact Dan and Harold do have some form of a script for a third movie and they've even offered to give him a smaller role he still doesn't want to do it. And they can't do the movie unless he gives his consent because he owns part of the rights and stuff.
So, right now you just have to enjoy everything the guys are doing on their own at the moment.


i am a ghostbuster fan
and personally i don't wan't to seee a third film
the first is excellent, but the second is just ok
and by the way have you looke dan, harold, ernie , they are all fat, old
bill murray is right in not to accept do a third movie
c'mon they want to ruin another great movie?
there's no sense in doind a third
it would be a bad movie, surely
i mean don't you people get mad on me, this is just mu opinion as a ghostbuster fan
and believe me, i am


A third movie would never be the same without the same actors, and the actors are too old to pull one off.

Ghostbusters I and II are my favorite movies, and I wish there would've been a third, but it's just too late for that now.


from what i know about the script or a version of the script that was released or told it was a about a new group of 4 people takeing on the paranormal protection of new york city.. it essence its supposed to be like the cartoon ghostbusters 3000....and egon and ray are the only 2 left there but they are there only as mentors and teachers... whats not known is if they offered or even wrote a part for ernie hudson and if he wants to be a part of it... butiit is known bill murray wants nothing to do with GB 3 i think bill just needs to ask for an ungodly sum of money and allow harold and dan and the studio to pay him for his share of the rights if he doesn't wanna be in it!


The only way I see there being a 3rd sequel is if it was totally tongue-in-cheek, a total goof on what would really happen to the Ghostbusters and the world in general if all of it had existed. Harold Ramis did such an exceptional job with "Groundhog Day", there was obviously a lot of thought and detail put into what would happen to someone if they woke up every day on the same day. I appreciate that movie more and more every time I see it. I think if Harold sat down and really thought of what would happen to these 4 men as time marched on, in their celebrity, their personal lives, their health, their love lives, you could really satirize the first two movies. Who better to goof on than men in their early 60's???? You could also have a lot of guest appearances, all of the famous people that they made friends with over the years-----------idea coming!!! How about a movie done like a "where are they now?" episode from E! or MTV--------flashbacks of what happened, how they had their falling out------------OK, now is everybody fully convinced that there SHOULD NOT BE a sequel???????? Honestly, they are great classic comedy, let's leave it alone and enjoy them as they are, and not make it into something pathetic!! Has there EVER been a 3rd sequel that was genuinely good??? (You fans of Godfather III not counting) Let's just have Harold and company keep coming up with new, funny characters-----------Harold Ramis, if you are ever in Middletown, RI, PLEASE stop by and say Hi-------as Peter V. would say, "If someone asks you if you're a God, you say YES!!!!"


actually that was Winston who said that.

the third starwars (not ep. 3) was good. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade is tied for best with the first one. so is Batman 3 (jim carrey rocked).

so why not a third? a new younger team as it was suppose to be with Ray and Egon teaching and helping. could be done but murray said no so it's over.

enjoy the comic book.
