Awesome awesome guy. Why is it that evil has no shame in rearing their ugly heads every time they criticize people like Sean Penn that make the world a better place? They are just exposing themselves.
Yes, I did. Are you an entitled jerk who complains that COVID staffers (people who are risking their lives each day to help others) who want better hours, should be complacent? Sean Penn gets paid millions to act and not expose himself to a potential dangerous disease. Yet he thinks it is okay to bitch about COVID staffers that work for his nonprofit organization, being upset about having to work 18 hour days, six days a week. Your despicable name says it all or you are Sean Penn himself. Kind of sad you are defending yourself.
Your impotent rage is amusing but inconsequential. Sean and his volunteers are doing something for others and it's making you jealous and unsure about yourself. Good luck.
Try to not mix up your own diagnosis (impotent rage) with mine (I, unlike you, have a healthy libido and am not raging). You are defending a bully or your Penn. Either case is very sad. Happy trolling.
Try to not mix up your own diagnosis (impotent rage) with mine (I, unlike you, have a healthy libido and am not raging). You are defending a bully or your Penn. Either case is very sad. Happy trolling.