MovieChat Forums > Sean Penn Discussion > Is Probably A Target Now

Is Probably A Target Now

Just about every news publication is saying Penn's meeting may have helped lead to Guzman's arrest. If this is the case, and the Sinaloa Cartel makes the same conclusion, does anyone else think it'd be in Sean's best interest to hire some security detail? Maybe beef up his home security as well. Cartels aren't exactly known to be forgiving.


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He needs to start in sicario the sequel


I don't think that very many people care what happens to this communist loving anti-American loser. Perhaps he can get his good buddy the Venezuela dictator Hugo Chavez to protect him. Oh wait, that slime has died. Too bad.


I came here to post about the target on his back also. Security or no, if the cartel wants him gone he will be.


Very true, but it'd make it a helluva lot easier to sleep at night.


It would be justice.... and fitting.... He is a moron... and a piece of crap who runs his mouth and helps the enemies of the US... Maybe he will go into hiding ....


Wasn't he saving ppl with a private helicopter and crew during Hurricane Katrina? He's not all bad. He's also a very good actor. He just runs his mouth regarding political beliefs too much. One thing he said that I agree with is that George W and Dick Cheney should be in jail.
