Why the Hate?

Hallo everybody, i dont follow other peoples lives who are "famous" and criticise their lives as if they afe me or a close friend si whatever one those f@#k him or her, but i would like how come so many people hate mr Penn and especialy what for?


Because he was friends with Hugo Chavez, who was a dictator. He's also friends with the Castro family, also dictators. He wanted people who called his buddy Hugo such to be arrested. He supports ideas which are communistic in nature. Communism is a failed and flawed ideology. One where we go "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need."

"In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming".


Coz he's a liberal left idiot who spouts sh-t, and he is butt ugly too.


Because he is a man who proudly wanted to deliver us all into communist/socialist slavery, that's more than enough reason to hate him or anyone else in my book.

If he proudly supported the Klu Klux Klan, would you be making the same argument? I dare say not nor should you.

By the way, please also note that Venezuela, for which he boldly and openly promoted the Hugo Chavez's communist takeover of, is now in total collapse and people are resorting to eating dogs, zoo animals and anything edible just to stay alive. Oddly enough the once very loud and opinionated Mr. Penn doesn't have a single thing to say about it now, as he hides in his mansion.


He's always been a smug, arrogant jerk. He tied up and beat the hell out of Madonna while they were married in the 80s and escaped punishment because she didn't want publicity. Read his bio on Wikipedia, he's done plenty of other nasty stuff too.


he hates the country that made him rich.
