MovieChat Forums > Mary-Louise Parker Discussion > Has the most bizarre mouth ever

Has the most bizarre mouth ever

She looks like a circus clown with the lips painted on. The corners of her mouth are unnaturally long. It's gross.

No one is on my ignore list, because I'm not a pussy
Bronies are scum


I don't think so.. she's very attractive for an older broad. I'd love to put something in or around that mouth of her.


100% disagree and OP has got to be trolling. She is like 50 years old and still has the body of a 28 year old. And her face is also very beautiful in an unconventional way. She is at the top of MILF mountain.

And I often wonder what kind of person it takes to start threads like these on known beautiful actresses threads. I'd love to see a pic of OP and/or your gf/bf, or better yet OP when he/she turns 50. Its obvious petty jealousy or some kid just being a troll.

People who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.


Oh boo hoo. If you'd stop going all fantard, you'd see she has a serious case of fish lips. It's especially noticeable in R.I.P.D.. Just notice her when she looks slightly upward. Her mouth is just weird.

No one is on my ignore list, because I'm not a pussy
Bronies are scum


She is old and still trying to act young. Yes, it's gross.


Haha her mouth is like Stockard Channings!


Definitely don't see it. I agree with the other poster - lets see a picture of YOU. I think she's beautiful and her mouth fits perfectly fine.


I agree. It's a weird look and add her thin pointy nose, upper lip cleft....... I'd still want her to perform oral sex on me though.


This is funny. A bunch of unappealing virgins talking about having sex with a woman so far out of their grasp that they feel the need to objectify her and be coarse to compensate.

Here's a clue. Grow the *beep* up and learn something about women... You might then have a chance to find one who'd consent to be with you, without being paid for her time.
