Booty ozone therapy

"The therapy, which uses medical-grade ozone gas administered through an ozone-generator device, can be inserted in your body in many ways, according to The Cleveland Clinic.

It can be blown up the bum via a catheter, as Paltrow has suggested she does."


I am investigating. I will try to get to the bottom of this news story.

The procedure itself might make her the butt of jokes.

Maybe this is good for your health and not a bum steer?

Perhaps it will come out well in the end.


Well played. Reminds me of the "foot fetish" jokes that Patriots players got fined for, at Rex Ryan's expense. "We just have to put our best foot forward", etc.


Oh yes. Ha ha, I remember that football story.

Maybe this ozone treatment will get you into the end zone.


The procedure itself might make her the butt of jokes.

What kind of crack is that? And you're wasting your time. Anyone who tries to make sense of this therapy will only make an ass of themselves.


We are certainly reaching the tail-end of the number of bum puns we can make here.

I consulted my reference guide, and that's all I got, folks.


I say we make up some new ones and make a stink about it until they stick.
