MovieChat Forums > Gwyneth Paltrow Discussion > Looking and Acting Like an Old-Money WAS...

Looking and Acting Like an Old-Money WASP Princess

Everytime I see a new photo of her, particularly from her current court case, she gives old money WASP princess vibes, projecting all the entitlement and snootiness that implies.

Is she even Jewish, or was blondey, with her straight silky hair and her arrogant pout, adopted? Was her mother having an affair and cheating on Bruce Paltrow?


Her father is Ashkenazi Jewish. Not her mother though so Israel does not consider her to be Jewish.

What on Earth is wrong with being a WASP (White Anglo Saxon Protestant)?

Yep, her father is in the tribe.

"Gwyneth was raised around both Judaism and Christianity. Her brother had a Bar Mitzvah ceremony. In recent years, she appears to have embraced the Jewish faith."

Oy vey!


She behaves like an uptight, entitled WASP. Even looks like one. She must take after her mother.


She recognize herself as Jewish!


Rich white people always like to identify with oppressed people. It makes them feel better about their own privilege, whilst still flaunting and abusing their privilege.




KOWALSKI I totally agree with HarveyManFredSin on this one. There is no denying that many celebs suffer from white-guilt and privilege-guilt about how much money they make. They definitely want to identify with oppressed people so they don't feel so guilty.

Colin Kaepernick is not white, but he's the perfect example of this playing out to perfection, only it only made him wealthier.




Oppressed people?

Do you know who controls Hollywood?

Is Harvey Weinstein an oppressed person?

Her father was Jewish.

Are you Jewish?


Harvey certainly doesn't 'control' Hollywood anymore.

And 6 million murders in death camps a mere 78 years ago does indeed say to me *oppressed*, and even in the US, it wasn't until very recently that Jewish people were being excluded from various social clubs and even certain companies, on account of their ethnicity. And when synagogues are still being attacked by gunmen, it tells me that Jews aren't out of the clear yet.


Harvy is not a real person. It v is some kind of AI experiment. IT started mild trolling, but has progressively become hostile. I don't know if that is the AI reacting or his programmers have changed the code.


Interesting. What makes you think Harvey is an AI account?

I would not be surprised. How can you tell?


Consistency in posting: AI accounts may have a pattern or consistency in the time and frequency of their posts, whereas human users tend to have more variability.
Language and syntax: AI-generated content can sometimes exhibit unusual phrasing, grammar, or sentence structure. It may also use overly formal language or be excessively verbose.
Lack of personalization: AI accounts often lack personal anecdotes or emotions in their content, making them seem more generic and less genuine.
Topic repetition: AI accounts may repeat certain topics or phrases, indicating a limited range of knowledge or input data. Non-sequiturs: AI-generated content may sometimes include unrelated or irrelevant information, as it can struggle to understand the context of a conversation.
Absence of typos: While AI can make grammar and syntax errors, it is less likely to make typical human typos or keyboard mistakes.
Inability to understand humor, sarcasm, or idioms: AI-generated content may not understand or respond appropriately to humor, sarcasm, or idiomatic expressions.
Response time: AI accounts may respond faster than a human, especially if they are pre-trained to answer specific types of questions.


Yes. That makes sense. Thanks AckbarsRevenge.

I know AI posters and bots are on social media. So they are here too? Oh well.

I gave his posting history a quick look. Maybe he is an AI poster.

Are there many on this MovieChat? What can the admins do?



I think this one is my favourite: "Absence of typos: While AI can make grammar and syntax errors, it is less likely to make typical human typos or keyboard mistakes."

So, because I take pride in my grammar/spelling, I must be a damn robot? πŸ˜­πŸ€£πŸ˜‚


Ackbar's explanation is more eloquent that mine would have been. Harvey stopped responding to me when I called it out as AI; I found that telling.


What can admins do? Do they care there are these AI accounts?

My two cents- I don't want them here.


Hello Mcguy! πŸ–πŸΌ

And thank you for using my preferred pronoun: "It"


I see your coders have turned you back on.


i thought WASP meant Wet Ass Pussy lol forgot there is no S in it lmfao 🀣


'Wet Ass Sexy Pussy'? πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


It's really noticeable. They are loving tourists.


I have not kept updated on what Paltrow is doing. However when the Jewish card is presented everyone backs off.


Did she win the lawsuit ?




WASP is an acronym for White Anglo Saxon Protestant, which is a perfectly fine thing to be, and certainly nothing for any intelligent person to be ashamed of.
