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Nimoy Memorial Moving Forward After Major Donation From Android Co-Founder Miner

The planned monument is a 20-foot, illuminated, stainless steel sculpture shaped in the famous “live long and prosper” Vulcan salute developed by Nimoy for Star Trek. The sculpture is designed by artist David Phillips and will be located in front of the Boston Museum of Science at Science Park. The project has a fundraising goal of $500,000 but after a year, the museum had only collected a fraction of that amount. Now thanks to a six-figure donation from Rich Miner the museum has enough to get started while continuing to fundraise.

Like Leonard Nimoy, Rich Miner is a Boston native. He earned his Ph.D., Master and B.S. in computer science from the University of Massachusetts at Lowell. Has continued to live and work in the area—his work includes co-founding Android, the world’s most popular operating system with over 3 billion active users. After selling Android to Google in 2005, Minor co-founded GV, Google’s first venture fund, which has built innovative technologies and companies through investments in a number of the past decades’ most successful startups. Rich continues to do advanced product development at Google as well as advise GV. He is also building and investing in innovative startups with his angel fund, ExVC. And he is a Trekkie.
