MovieChat Forums > Leonard Nimoy Discussion > March 26: Leonard's birthday; Adam Nimoy...

March 26: Leonard's birthday; Adam Nimoy & Terry Farrell get married

Leonard would have been 87.

Terry Farrell And Adam Nimoy Get Married On Leonard Nimoy’s Birthday

Terry, of course, played Jadzia Dax on six of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine‘s seven seasons. Adam, in addition to being Leonard’s son, directed two episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation, worked as an assistant to Nick Meyer on Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, and directed the award-winning documentary For The Love of Spock about his father. Back in 1995, he directed his dad in an episode of the rebooted The Outer Limits called “I, Robot.” (Fun trivia: Leonard Nimoy played a different role in the original version of the episode of the classic The Outer Limits back in 1964.)


He had that swell role in the remake of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" '78. He was just outstanding there and infused that motion picture.

& he had that swell role in that "Columbo" episode "A Stitch in Time." He was so gd good there.

He is missed.


Happy birthday Leonard!

Would have been 92 today.
