I know! He's made some bad movies, as any actor will given enough time (Jurassic Park III was trash compared to the original, I'm sorry, NOT his fault- it's just that Joe "Jumanji" Johnston shouldn't be allowed within a light year of the Jurassic Park *dare I call it this* franchise- and don't even get me started on Spinosaurus breaking T. Rex's neck with it's pitifully thin and weak jaws, or Pteranodon suddenly carrying people off when it needed a 23+ foot wingspan just to get it's own bulk off of the ground and remain in flight, or the ridiculous and weak plot where some dumb kid gets lost on the island so they have to go find him....I could go on)- though even in those, he made them go from worthless to actually something I can watch without vomiting in disgust, simply by upping the quality of the picture by a factor of 50 through his presence alone.
And, he's in my (still) #1 movie of all time, the original Jurassic Park;)
http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001357/board/thread/139791036?d=139791036& amp;p=1#139791036