MovieChat Forums > Matthew Modine Discussion > Gosh, why can't we find out why Bin Lade...

Gosh, why can't we find out why Bin Laden is mad at us...

That's about what the genius Modine said in his recent interview.

It also shows the intellectual depth of Damon, Penn, and Modine. Why anyone would pay attention to these dunderheads is beyond understanding.

It's like hearing them get off a private jet and lecture everyone on Global Warming and how terrible you are to drive a SUV and how selfish you are because you don't want to pay higher taxes.

There are two types of people in the world, those who divide people into two types and ........


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There's no mystery why Bin Laden was mad with the US. He said it repeatedly in his speeches. And no, it wasn't because he "hated freedom", like the talking head morons repeated over and over again. Check out the book "Messages to the world", which is a collection of his speeches. Americans might be surprised.

Working in the movie business since -92
