MovieChat Forums > Helen Mirren Discussion > Did she really say this?

Did she really say this?

I read on the LOSING CHASE board somebody mentioned that Dame Helen Mirren said that she would never kiss another woman in a movie unless she absolutely had to. Did she really say that? If so, does anyone know the source?

Here's the thread in which the user mentions this:

Of late, I have read things she said that didn't please me much. It only goes to prove that sometimes, or even most of the time, it's better to enjoy an actors work and just not try to find out too much about them, lest they not live up to the characters they play that we love.

For example, in one of her interviews, she claims to not like chick flicks. Well, my favorite film of hers would qualify as one, so that disappointed me big time. There goes my fantasy of enjoying a movie night with Helen Mirren, ha ha!

In another interview, she said she doesn't believe in God but is very spiritual. Those two statements seem incongruent to me. God is the ultimate spirit. But I digress…

From what I gather, Helen Mirren is a realist and a skeptic. She's also an ultra-feminist, who was quoted as saying that her interview with Parkinson in 1975 was "enraging" – just because he quoted an interviewer who said she was "sluttishly erotic" – but again, those were not his words that he was giving during the interview. So, that ought to make a difference.

Anyway, getting back to my original question – does anybody know of she really said she would never kissed a woman what she had to? I hope this isn't true! Because she's so good in LOSING CHASE, that I would hope that if she ever met someone like Elizabeth, she wouldn't mind going there, if you know what I mean.

Please excuse typos/funny wording; I use speech-recognition that doesn't always recognize!


hello, mytvmivieromance. i respect you and because of that, i will talk to you because you are a civilized poster and very reasonable and educated. i cant say the same thing about the other poster, you know.
im a huge fan of helen and i love her. i know her personally and sheisnt only a great and talented actress, but also a very intelligent, funny, kind, classy and sweet woman. i can tolerate the critizisms against her because its valid all the way. you cant be liked be all the people. but what i cant tolerate its the personal ofense and the trolling. and that is what the other poster usually does every time. he has something personal against her and he bash and insult her whatever the thing she does. that is not simply critizm. that is trolling.

but ill try to be educated and polite and reasonable as i can even with that poster. even knowing that he will bash helen withuoth reason. ill try to control my love and admiration for helen. thats all.
nice to talk with you, mytvromance.


You're right, she sounds like a biatch.


Anybody looking for an example of the word phrase “waste of flesh” need look no further than the OP.
