Average looking

Why do people find her beautiful? She looks like the average old woman you would encounter at the market. Having wrinkles and going gray does not make her beautiful, nor superior to those who have had some cosmetic work. Jane Fonda is far better looking.


Exactly, it does. Some think they need surgery, some don't and can make work what they got. It's mostly in people's heads. People tend to care too much what others think about them and want to please. With actors who just have to look good nowadays this is even more pronounced, just look at the trashy media. God forbid a woman didn't shave her legs, and the house is on fire.

Some ten years ago, I was one of those who'd go for it because I was teased about a certain feature a great deal. Then I changed my way of thinking, stopped giving a *beep* about what others think of my looks, grew balls and confidence and that changed it all. Becoming self-confident can make a greater change than any knife, besides, imperfections make us much more interesting.


I don't get it either. She actually has always looked old for her age. Must be a smoker.


I think she was really hot when she was younger.


I don't know what movie it was, and maybe she had a body double for all I know, but there was scene where she was walking away from the camera, and my gosh, she looked fabulous. I can see a fit Helen Mirren having a body to die for, man or woman. And she has a great face, she radiates confidence. Just a great looking lady at whatever age.
