MovieChat Forums > Dina Meyer Discussion > In Starship troopers....

In Starship troopers....

She is way hotter than Denise Richards. I was totally in love with her in that and Dragonheart. Never realized she was in all the Saw movies. Gonna have to go back and watch!


"Hotter than Denise Richards"

Apples and Oranges, my friend. They're both scrumptious.


I think we can agree that Dina aged better, no?


Charlie Sheen. 'Nuff said.


I agree, plus the way she was craving Johnny Rico in that movie would be any guys dream. I would've wrecked that like no other.


I would've wrecked that too... for about ten seconds.


Your probably right, but i wouldnt mind sharing the bed with both.

I was a fan of all her movies and I saw the movies and liked them and then noticed her in them. Im sure they added to the flavor. Its a tragedy, that hollywood doesnt cast talents like her more often. They would have a lot more success.

 Why am I such a misfit? I am not just a nitwit. 


I totally second that. I was absolutely into her in Starship Troopers.
