MovieChat Forums > Andie MacDowell Discussion > Did she have plastic surgery recently?

Did she have plastic surgery recently?

I was watching TBS and a L'Oreal Paris commercial came on with an actress that looked like her. At least I think it was her, because her face looked so radically different from the Andie that I remember. It looked like she did something to her nose, and it wasn't a good nose job. She might have had some work done on her mouth but I couldn't tell in that short time the ad was on. Maybe I'm wrong and I hope I am because she was beautiful in the ads I saw last year, and I shudder to think she pulled a Meg Ryan. Just watch "My Mom's New Boyfriend" to see how that stupid woman ruined her looks.


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Maybe just a bad manipulating, she's like 50, if they make her look younger they'll sell more.. so perheps that's why she looks a bit different


Um, I think the better question would be, "Did she have plastic surgery AGAIN?"

My theory: a bunch of actresses/actors have gotten together to get a group discount on plastic surgery AND The More They Spend, The More They Save!!! So You Don't Forget, Call Before Midnight Tonight!!!
