Straight hair

She looks so much better with straight hair, that famous curly look of hers never suited her IMHO, I don't know why she always insists on it and wears it like that. Way too many appearances like that now, too 'protest hippie'. Saw her straight haired some time ago on German TV (with Faye Dunaway), and she was sexy and gorgeous. Long straight hair again, please Andie ! :-)


Do you know how hard it is and how time-consuming it is to straighten naturally curly hair? And then, if it's the slightest bit humid outside, it will curl right back.

After a while, you just give up and let it go natural. I used to roll my hair on beer cans and orange juice cans, but it would still curl up in the rain.

The funny thing is that people are always asking me where I get mine permed.


Kinda reminds me of Chandra Levy. She's beautiful both ways.

Everyone is not enamored of the bone straight look. My daughter gets tons of compliment on her hair-although more akin to Meryls Streeps character in French Lieutenant's woman, than like Andies. The rude look that people give me when I talk about putting on one of those Japanese perms is just so funny. So many people find nostalgia in the curls as it transforms us back to the Early Europeans and pre-perm/electronic heat America.


I love her both ways. I am generally sick of straight hair, styled flat down the side. Oh, let us not have the slightest hint of movement in the hair - everyone's hair has to be straight. Yuck. I'm glad to see they are finally giving Paula Zahn some movement in her hair and its not so straight down. And, puhleeze, Nancy Grace's straight hair is awful! I know she's not blessed with thick hair, but it wouldn't look so dredfully think if it were swept back a bit on the sides.

Jane Seymour used to be the queen of hair like Andie's. I find it quite beautiful myself - I love big hair - well within reason - not garishly so.


I disagree with the OP, I am so SICK of boring bone straight hair. Andie MacDowell, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Keri Russell, to name a few....gorgeous curls that were flattened straight....ugh!
Thank God wavy hair is making a come back! Bring it on!

"When we make mistakes, it's evil. When God makes mistakes, it's nature."


Well said, andromache3!

And your sig is half wrong; God never makes mistakes, we do, because we are born evil.

Raise your glasses, please, into a toast, for we are many hometown ghosts.


I like her curly hair aswell back in the day.Her straight hair is nice too,really makes her even hotter.
