Top Three Films?

1. Field of Dreams
2. Goodfellas
3. Identity


Unlawful entry


Unlawful Entry is a good choice. I knocked it out of my own personal choice.

Glad you put it there.


Classic movie!Ray Liotta always played bad guy roles so intense and its a shame the movies he did where he was a hero flopped!like no escape! that was a solid action pic!im gonna watch it tonight in tribute to ray haven't seen that since high school lol!also something wild was a good performance by ray also! you did not want to mess with him lol


GTA Vice City

Many folks here are saying "Narc" is really good, I'll have to check it out...


cocaine bear


1. Goodfellas (obviously)
2. Cop Land (out of all the great actors in that, he still managed to be the most compelling and interesting, IMO)
3. Something Wild

Corrina, Corrina was another great one that I grew up with. I'm a bit hesitant about putting it in his top films, though. But it has a lot of nostalgia value for me, personally. As does this little neo-noir film he did called Phoenix that I first saw late one night on The Movie Channel.

A weird thing about Liotta is that he actually had a lot of small parts in movies that really stuck with me. His role in the movie Blow, for instance, was one of my favorite parts of that film. I believe I felt more moved by his performance than I did Depps. And even with movies that I really didn't love, like Hannibal, Heartbreakers, and The Many Saints of Newark, I found myself still pretty captivated when he was on screen. He had that sorta draw to him where he could make even subpar movies watchable lol. I dunno if it was his look, his voice, or what.
