MovieChat Forums > Téa Leoni Discussion > Why do some people here hate on her???

Why do some people here hate on her???

She is a great actress and can funny too. She was great in Bad Boys, The Tower Heist, Spanglish, You Kill Me, Deep Impact, Fun with Dick and Jane. Its not like she's the same in every movie, I think her voice over shadows her acting abilities. Look how she pulled off being neurotic in Spanglish and a emotional wreck in Deep Impact. Her voice really helps her to play someone tough like in Tower Heist but it makes people over look the other side of her acting.


Some hate her because she married David Duchovny and they think he should be with Gillian Anderson of X-Files. The are so dumb that they mix up the characters they played in XF's with the real people that they are. Edited to add that I agree with you. She is a very good actress.


Thats a good theory but I really think its her voice, because people keep saying she can't act. I think her voice gives the impression that she's playing the same character but thats not true. X-files I really don't think many people care much about anymore. I think they focus on her voice way more than the acting she's doing. The dumbest thing I heard was that she doesn't change her face expressions, if you pay attention you would see that isn't the case. Her voice is the only thing that doesn't change and why would it unless she's doing an accent or something, I think people get hung up on it.


I guess her voice could bother some although I never found anything wrong. As far as XF's oh yes there are many many people that still care about this series and the actors that were in it. There is a whole bunch of people that are referred to as snogger community. That thrive on making up lies about David, Tea and Gillian Anderson. They claim that David and GA have been living together for years. That the kids that she had with her husband and boyfriend are really David's. Its really awful.They make up horrible lies about Tea and have spread some really bad rumors.


Yeah that makes sense there are crazy fans, people need to realize that films and television isn't reality and its completely separate. And I agree about her voice, I actually really like it, it gives her that different edge but its not what makes her.


ITA with you. I'm really looking forward to her new TV Series


Because she is another of those actresses who are 'just there.' Filler. She makes no impact in any roles she is in and could easily be replaced with a broomstick.

Nothing she is associated with as a major actor ever does well because people don't really care to see a talking broomstick.


She's actually a pretty good actress, if she was a broomstick how could she be successful for over 20 years? She's not Kristen Steward and far from it, she's never even nominated for a razzie. She's not a A actress but she's a B plus. Unlike many actresses she can pull off comedy acting and portray another personality without doing a physical transformation. She has done many different characters, you clearly know nothing about acting.


ITA with you cwamne. Tea is a very good actress.
