Was it a hallucination?
For no particular reason I started thinking about a rather bizarre/disturbing movie from a year to 3 ago in which I'd swear Lauren Holly had a role. I cannot recall the title of the movie and when I looked at the lovely Holly's filmography list here at imdb I found nothing.
It was a horror movie set in a seemingly vacant town cut off from the world by some force or magic. The townspeople were either in league with some evil woman leader or hiding. The person I recall as Holly was a motorcycle cop who was trapped in the town as she searched for the main character (a child?). The easiest thing to remember in the movie was one creature/guardian: Huge fat guy with a metal triangular helmut completely covering the head and face (worn like a beak) and massive (I mean MASSIVE) steel spikes for hands (like 12 foot long massive). This guy and other...things...would appear only at certain times, like every hour or so, for a short period of time.
The whole movie had a nightmarish quality...in any case, the Holly character, as I recall, ended up being burnt alive atop a ladder.
Anyone know what movie I'm talking about? Was it Holly in it as the cop? Not particularly important but now I'm trying to recall the name of the movie and figure out if it did have Holly in it.
Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?