The boing boing babe
When the actress first debuted the boobs, I broke into hysterical fits of laughter. My husband had to replay the scene (she is descending the stairs into the 'squad room') and asked what was so funny. All I could manage as the scene rolled was, "boing, boing, boing" for the bouncy new 'bangles' she was displaying in her super tight sweater set.
One thing my husband, twenty-something son, and I agree wholeheartedly on is the huge amount of annoyance we experience whenever the 'director' has a scene. Clearly, someone doesn't like her much (from the writing staff, I suspect) since they consistently give her bitchy, self-absorbed, and whiny dialogue.
Even wardrobe has to have it in for her. In the tight sweater scenes she is shown turning away from camera to reveal rolls of fat cascading over her bra outline. If I were her (or her agent, or husband, or friend, or even kind stranger...), I would have her take a hard look at the footage shot so far. Several takes reveal an overtight face lift which is movie magic malpractice since such things are easily dealt with using something called, "makeup". Was anyone looking through the lens when her greasy face was throwing off enough light to blackout the rest of the set?!
The improbability of a Gibbs character having anything but animosity for a manipulative, scheming, ladder climber who never wastes an opportunity to bitch, demand, or complain strains credulity.
Compare other female figures of authority such as Dame Judy Dench in the Bond series if you want to see how powerful women comport themselves. Jeesh! No wonder feminists are nowhere now!
Our son always watches new episodes first and informs us as to its quality. Since Lauren Holly's debut, he always start with, "Well, they didn't kill her yet... sigh".