MovieChat Forums > Goldie Hawn Discussion > is she ever going to marry kurt russell?

is she ever going to marry kurt russell?

they've been together since the '80s.


Both of them went through really NASTY divorces. They have no interest in taking a chance on ruining something that works for them.


isn't it interesting how getting married actually puts them at a higher risk of breaking up than not getting married? i've seen this in Hollywood a lot. a relationship is fine until a couple gets married it seems. you would think being married would mean a lower risk of breaking up because it ties a couple together in a stronger way than being boyfriend/girlfriend.


I need to ask how it makes it stronger? They've been together around 40 years. How is that relationship not as strong as a couple that has been married 1 year? Just because there is a piece of paper that is attached?


i'm not saying it's stronger. i said it's weaker from getting married. i also said you'd think being married would make it stronger because in theory you are now in wedlock together. there is a reason why women consider getting married to be an act of commitment. meaning being married is a greater act of commitment than being boyfriend/girlfriend.


He already escaped from New York and L.A. He doesn't want to have to escape from Goldie!


Why should they get married?


To get divorced.
Aren't you paying attention to the thread?


Nope.. Why ruin a good thing??
