MovieChat Forums > Neil Patrick Harris Discussion > Why is his sexuality an issue on here?

Why is his sexuality an issue on here?

If you go on a straight actor's board nobody ever discusses their sexual orientation. Why does it have to be an issue with NPH just because he's gay?

You'd think in this day and age the fact that a man is gay would not be so jarring.


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Well for the most part people have accepted and changed their tunes but there are still narrow-minded bigots still walking this earth. Sad but true, you cant change everyone.

My mother has me tested. I AM Kraz!:D


If you go on a straight actor's board nobody ever discusses their sexual orientation. Why does it have to be an issue with NPH just because he's gay?

You'd think in this day and age the fact that a man is gay would not be so jarring.

First, they do discuss a straight actor's orientation: go to most any name actor's board and you will see threads about his wife, his girlfriend, is he married, etc. There may be no need to say the words "straight" or "hetereosexual" but his sexuality is discussed.

Second, if Neil Patrick Harris himself is comfortable discussing his private life, how is it odd that the public will do so as well? By coming out he has labeled himself a "openly gay actor" and people will call him that, be they prejudiced or gay rights advocates.

You seem to be comparing from the angle that it's no big deal to be gay but how anyone say that in an era where gay marriage is still not legal in most states, gay people can be legally be discriminated against in many states I don't know.


Why should a person's sexuality not be a normal and interesting topic of conversation? Like, say, what sport they like or their political views? If a subject is taboo that wrong suggests that it's abnormal or wrong. As homosexuality is neither abnormal or wrong, why should it be off-limits for conversation? Just my opinion.


Relax, there are only like two topics in these boards his sexuality being an 'issue'.


I think I know what the poster is trying to get at. I get someone's sexuality could be an interesting topic for some, but why does there have to be so many topics on the first page? Can't we keep it condensed to 2 or 3 topics?

The topic names make it fairly obvious it's about his sexual orientation.

For example, these are the topic names I see on the first page.

"Is he the first person to come out and the press was just like, um, OK.."

"Sexiest Gay Man Alive"

"Straight Pride"

"Neil Patrick Harris masculine good looking gay man!!!"

"Do straight girls find him hot?"

"What do gay men think about being found attractive by women?"

"Do you think He's really a gay?"

I mean, come on man, I haven't looked at the first half of the topic page.


Because he came out and made it an issue. And talks about it himself. Which I have no problem with.

What I do find interesting is his need to talk about the women he's been with, including the scene he has with some chick in an upcoming movie (now there's an interview and a movie for a proud papa to show his kids).

It isn't unusual though. A lot of "gay" guys who promote the "pride" of being gay still have a need to tell everyone they've had sex with women because they know it will somehow make them seem a little more "normal" to their straight buddies, and society in general. It's all part of the image.

Most bisexual guys I know have said they way prefer men to women and would rather be with a man. What they're really doing is relying on the bisexual label to make themselves feel better about themselves, whether they want to admit it or not.


And he has to talk about in EVERY interview. Enough already.
